
Prof. Dr. Frank Bünning
The duties of the Dean, Professor Dr. Frank Bünning, are set out in the Higher Education Act. She represents the faculty both within and outside of the university. She is the Chair of the Faculty Council, prepares the meetings and executes the resolutions that it makes. The Dean leads the day-to-day operations of the faculty as well as having personal responsibility for executing the business assigned to her by the Faculty Council. In consultation with the Faculty Council, she decides upon the allocation of staff posts and their deployment as well as the allocation of the faculty’s financial resources, provided that they are not assigned to a scientific institute or business unit with its own management. The Dean ensures that the academic personnel and other staff assigned to the faculty meet their obligations. She also ensures that the university lecturers and other personnel with teaching responsibilities carry out their teaching and examination obligations and student supervisory duties properly.
The Dean is elected by the Faculty Council by a majority of the voters present in accordance with the constitution for a duration of at least four years. Post holders may be re-elected. At the suggestion of the Dean, in accordance with the constitution, a maximum of two deputies may be elected from the group of professors by a majority of the voters present. Professor Dr. Heike Olbrecht, Dean of Studies, performs the tasks of the deputy. The Vice Dean, Professor Dr. Marco Taubert, is responsible for supporting the research activities.