Grade Booking in the LSF
H I S = Higher Education Information System/Examiners/Grade Booking
Accessing: OVGU Website/Directlinks/LSF-Portal for Examiners
Or: FHW Website/Directlinks/LSF-Portal for Examiners
(Black menu bar at the top right in each case)
User ID: GS …. (for info: Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften)
Your GS number and password can be requested from the Examination Office. If necessary, the password can be reset and a new password assigned.
You can then always generate the TAN list yourself after receiving the first TAN list. Please note that you must reserve 2 TAN numbers for this.
Once you have logged in, your session will automatically expire after one hour. During this time, you should have saved all the grades you have entered.
Important note: Grades are entered with three digits.
Ex. 1.0 = 100
++ = Pass
(further examples: see assessment type)
Grades are awarded according to the examination regulations: 1.0/1.3/ 1.7 etc., anything above 4.0 = not sufficient. Entries are made as follows:
Ex: 100/130/170 etc.
Other entries/options are also possible:
RP = Rücktritt durch Prüfer*in (Withdrawal by examiner, can be used if students no longer appear.)
NA = Nicht abgegeben (Not handed in - only use if deadlines for assignments/written work have been communicated to all in writing, e.g. via Moodle/Handouts).
Important: After having entered one or more grades under a course, before you leave this course, you must save it, for which you need a TAN. It is also very important that if you have entered the grades or the ++ for Pass, then please also enter the credit points immediately and only then go to Save. Enter TAN + save.
Please do not forget to enter the credit points, as these are automatically transferred to the students' accounts when the results are activated. After the release of results/grades, subsequent CP entries are no longer "recognised" by the system as data that must be transferred and no CP transfer takes place, which leads to queries on the part of the students (and sometimes also the lecturers).
Please use only natural numbers to enter the credit points, e.g. 4, 5, 6, 10. Entries deviating from this (e.g. 4.0) are not permitted and cause massive system problems.
Changes: Grade corrections as well as changes to the credit points must be reported directly to the Examination Office.
Moduls are unfortunately not displayed. Therefore, requests for changes to the modules must always be made via the examination office.
IMPORTANT: The button Complete really means "completed", i.e. these grades can then no longer be viewed. You can generate lists as PDFs for your records, see PDF icon/Examination-related grade view.
Status from 7.7.2021/FHW Examination Office, Document as PDF (German)