Nutzungsordnung für den PC-Pool der Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften (FHW)

  1. The hardware and software provided in the PC pool is available exclusively for teaching and research purposes. Only members of the University of Magdeburg or appropriately authorized personnel are permitted to use the PC pool. These terms of use are binding for all users.
  2. The following rules of conduct apply to the use of the PC pool:
    • Workstations must be left clean and tidy.
    • Chairs must be returned to the tables after leaving the workstation.
    • Disturbances caused by loud conversations and telephone calls are to be avoided.
    • Food and open drinks are not permitted.
    • Any removal of equipment is prohibited.
  3. All equipment set up in the PC pool must be treated with the utmost care. Faults and defects of any kind must be reported by the user directly to the PC pool supervisor or by sending a message to Self-help is not permitted under any circumstances and is strictly prohibited.
  4. Storage of data: Each user is responsible for backing up their own data.
  5. Copying installed software is prohibited.
  6. The installation of software is prohibited. If additional, non-installed software is required, this must be agreed with the pool manager in good time.
  7. The instructions of the PC pool supervisors must be followed; this also applies to requests to leave the PC pool immediately in the event of a breach of the rules of use.
  8. Users must observe the principles of efficiency and economy.
  9. The PC pool may only be used with the user ID issued by the University Computer Center. Care must be taken to ensure that no other persons gain knowledge of these user passwords and thus access to the resources of the faculty and the university.
  10. The legal requirements must be observed when using the computers in the PC pool. All illegal activities are prohibited. This applies in particular, but not exclusively:
    1. Spying on data (§202a StGB)
    2. The data modification (§303a StGB) and Computer sabotage (§303b StGB)
    3. The distribution of pornographic images (§184 StGB), as well as the retrieval, possession and dissemination of child pornography (§184b StGB)
    4. Distribution of propaganda material of unconstitutional organizations (§86 StGB) and incitement to hatred (§130 StGB)
    5. Defamation offenses such as libel or slander (§§ 185 ff. StGB)
    6. Criminal copyright infringements, e.g. by copying software in violation of copyright law (§§ 106 ff. UrhG)
  11. By entering the PC pool, users undertake to comply with these regulations. Users who violate these terms of use will be denied access to the PC pool and their user account may be blocked.
  12. The University of Magdeburg assumes no joint liability for financial and legal consequences of misconduct (e.g. violations of press and copyright law, installation of unlicensed software, illegal offering of software, etc.).



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