Nancy Bunge

Nancy Bunge

Faculty of Humanities
Examination Office
Zschokkestraße 32, D-39104 Magdeburg, Building 40, Room 103
Sprechzeiten: Ms. Bunge is not on duty until an indefinite time. Mrs. Herms (, 0391 67-54868) and Mrs. Koch-Schlenker (, 0391 67-56807) will take over as substitutes.

Nancy Bunge is responsible for the following study programmes:

  • Bachelor:
    • European Studies
    • Social Sciences
  • Master:
    • European Studies
    • Peace and Conflict Studies
    • Social Sciences

Telephone Appointment (Online Calendar - Please enter your phone number into the "remarks" field. Otherwise we cannot reach you. Thank you!)

Last Modification: 30.01.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster